Buffalo Chicken Ranch Whole30 Meal Prep (Paleo, Grain-Free)

This Whole30 buffalo chicken ranch meal prep is Whole30 meal prep perfection! Totally loaded with flavor, protein, healthy fats, and fiber, this Whole30 meal prep is the best way to go into lunch swinging.  With cauliflower rice and homemade ranch dressing, this Whole30 buffalo chicken ranch meal prep is one of my very favorite Whole30 meal prep recipes for sure. 


Total Time : 45 minutes



Buffalo Chicken

2 medium boneless skinless chicken breasts

1/4 cup Frank's Red Hot Sauce

2 Tbsp. ghee

1 tsp. salt

1 Tbsp. compliant mayonnaise

2 12-ounce bags frozen cauliflower rice


pinch turmeric if desired

1 head romaine lettuce shredded

1 cucumber diced

1 cup grape tomatoes halved

1 bunch green onions sliced thin

2 avocados peeled, seeded, and diced before serving

Whole30 ranch dressing for drizzling

celery sticks for garnish




For full instructions you can go to 40aprons.com.

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